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ब्रिज एण्ड रूफ कम्पनी (इंडिया) लिमिटेड


(भारत सरकार का एक उद्यम / A Government of India Enterprise)
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The Public Grievance Redress And Monitoring System (PGRAMS), is an online computerised system which has been developed with an objective of speedy redress and effective monitoring of the grievances besides providing a fast access to the public. It offers the following facilities:

  • Lodge Your Grievance
  • Send a Reminder/Clarification
  • Check Action Status of your grievance
  • Change Password
  • Help

Upon clicking at "Lodge Your Grievance" option, you will be provided with an electronic Grievance Redress Form wherein you are required to fill-up your personal and grievance particulars in the boxes provided for against the respective titles. The boxes with titles prefixed with "*" should be filled-up compulsorily without fail. Other entries would definitely help to provide more information about your case.

You may follow the messages given along with the titles. There are mainly three types of entry options: a) Boxes with white spaces wherein you have to just click and enter the details such as Name, Password, Address, etc. b) Two or Three circles wherein you have to just click the appropriate circle of your choice such as Gender c) Boxes marked with arrow wherein you have to just click on the arrow to view a pull down list for selecting your choice.

The information pertaining to following titles, could be furnished in the manner illustrated below:

  • Gender : For a company, a group of persons, an organisation, etc., choose "OTHERS"
  • Password : This option facilitates you to control the access on status details with a proper authorisation check. In order to secure your submission you can choose to enter a string of letters and digits (preferably more than 6 characters). Once you supply a password, you are advised to remember the same failing which you will be unable to retrieve any information regarding your grievance.
  • Document-Id: Enter the reference identification numbers of your supporting documents . Example: Insurance Policy Number, Passport Number, Telephone Bill Number
  • Office-Issued: The concerned office that has issued the above supporting documents
  • Grievance Description: Here you can enter the detailed description of your grievance covering all the details. You should not exceed 4000 characters. You can use the cut and paste facilities available in your browser.

After completing all your entries, ensure the correctness of the entries and click the SUBMIT button. Upon submitting, your grievance will get registered in the database and a registration number will be flashed on the screen. You are required to note down the same for all your future references.

You can use this registration number for sending clarifications, sending reminders, finding out the status and changing your password.