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ब्रिज एण्ड रूफ कम्पनी (इंडिया) लिमिटेड


(भारत सरकार का एक उद्यम / A Government of India Enterprise)
Founation Day logo
105 year Rastra Nirmad logo gif
HR Scenario


The Company has completed a century of active operations in the year 2020, having established a legacy of excellence in the business of construction. The Human Resource Development policy of the Company has always been employee centric. Employees are the core strength of B AND R’s growth and longevity, and as such, all members of the B AND R family are guaranteed opportunity, responsibility and purpose.

The Management has formulated a robust model of talent management that balances the best interests of the employees and the Company. The work culture at the Company fosters innovative thinking and efficiency while nurturing the overall wellbeing of employees and promoting a vibrant work culture within the Company. Leading the corporate evolution of the Company is a competent and highly receptive human resource team with domain expertise who continue to upgrade their knowledge and skills to keep pace with innovation in the industry.

The Company’s manpower induction plan is regularly updated with focus on skill-building, in line with the changing needs of clients; identifying team leaders; and incentivising performance.

Human Resource Management

  • Sustain the culture of integrity, togetherness, teamwork and accountability
  • Ensuring a comfortable and joyous work environment.
  • Promote optimum use of resources and high performance work systems.
  • Encourage employees to enhance competencies.
  • Continuous up-gradation of HR practices, systems and procedures.
  • Ensuring Equal Opportunities and discrimination-free working environment
  • Providing a safe, hygienic and humane workplace

The Company always believes in providing equal opportunities to all employees of the Company in all respects in line with various policies of Govt. of India. The Company, always try to maintain a balanced representation of employees belonging various categories such as those belonging to Reserved Category and Specially Abled. Any sort of discrimination violating any prevailing rules, if reported is seriously taken by the Management and necessary measures are opted.

The Company always ensures a safe and hygienic human workplace for the employees. The Company has duly implanted all safety measures like fire fighting systems, fire alarms etc. at the office premises. It regularly carries out sanitization of the workplaces and take necessary precautionary measures prescribed by the Govt. to fight infection caused by Corona Virus.