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ब्रिज एण्ड रूफ कम्पनी (इंडिया) लिमिटेड


(भारत सरकार का एक उद्यम / A Government of India Enterprise)
Founation Day logo
105 year Rastra Nirmad logo gif
CMD's Message

CMD’s Message

Message To Bridge And Roof Family


First of all, many congratulations and best wishes for the New Year to all the friends present and I welcome and congratulate all of you here today on this historic occasion when our company has completed 105 years.

All of you have been the writers who have created the story of this long journey, for this I want to thank you all and wish you all the best. These last 105 years are nothing but the result of the penance of all of you and this year has been a year of achievements. Today on this auspicious occasion of the foundation day of our company, we all are with an organization which has always been ahead with its 105 years of contribution in the service of the country.

It is very special that we are working in a sector which is the source of successful growth of prosperity – i.e. the construction branch. Here we are proud that our company has not only worked at its level of excellence in these 105 years but has also made a significant contribution to the development of the society. Our company has created new industries, provided employment to local communities, built schools, hospitals, buildings, road and rail projects, works that have been strategically important for the security of the country, through aspirational schemes like skill development this has made the youth self-reliant etc.

Our company has emerged in various manufacturing sectors. We have tackled high quality projects by understanding your requirements. We have achieved this success because of the hard work and dedication of our employees, customers and associates. In these 105 years, the company has seen many ups and downs and I would like to express my gratitude for the selfless and dedicated contribution you have made to the company at all times.

Today, we are not just a company, but a family. We all have reached here together and are determined to move forward. We look forward to partnering with you all to further success and usher in a new era. On this important day, I am grateful to all of you for helping our company reach this milestone. Together we will make this journey even more successful and together we will fulfill the dream of seeing our company grow further.

In this sequence, I would like to once again thank and congratulate all of you that with your dedication, hard work and perseverance, we have worked together in a team spirit.

I am happy to tell you some important achievements of the company in the last financial year:

  • The company has achieved Very Good Rating in the financial year 2022-23.
  • We managed to save around Rs 150 crore by cutting overhead expenses during the last financial year.
  • The dues/arrears of retired employees, working employees and departmental personnel have been fully paid.
  • Efforts are also being made to pay the arrears of executives and officers this year.
  • New e-office and HR modules have been implemented, which has brought speed and transparency in work.
  • Last year, the company has received its largest ever single EPC order worth Rs 1150 crore from IOTL, Paradip.
  • By signing MoU with Japanese company ASTIC, we have taken over the work of setting up FGD system worth Rs 1400 crore (excluding GST) in Korba and Marwa from Chhattisgarh State Power Generation Company. With your support, we will try to continue receiving larger orders in future also.
  • Under the business development and diversification initiative, the company has around Rs. 18,500 crore orders in hand.
  • Online Centralized Payment System (CPS) has been launched, through which the financial position of all our projects can be monitored and controlled.
  • We have been awarded ISO 14001:2015: Environmental Management System, ISO 27001:2022: Information Security Management System and ISO 50001:2018: Energy Management System certificates for our commendable work in various fields.

I not only hope but have full confidence that we will continue to get the support from all of you and you all will discharge your duties with true devotion and with more energy and will take the company to new heights every day and by the year 2029 we will be able to become a Rs 10,000 crore Company.

Thank you all again and wish you all the very best.

Jai Hind.